Blogosphere Reacts to Associated Press Attack on Fair Use Doctrine

Should the Associated Press have the right to set its own standards as to how much quoting from an Associated Press article constitutes fair use and how much requires the payment of a royalty?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue in the following blog post:


IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz shares Recording on Leveraging an IP Portfolio in the Development of Partnering Relationships

To view a recording of the presentation available in The Prinz Law Store, click here.

IP Law 360 Reporter Sara Stefanini Interviews Silicon Valley Life Sciences Lawyer Kristie Prinz for “In Cephalon Case, FTC Hopes for High Court Ruling”

Click here to read the article

Supreme Court to Consider Fantasy Baseball Case: Do Players’ Names and Statistics Constitute Major League Baseball Intellectual Property?

The Supreme Court is considering whether to take a case which would address the issue of whether major league baseball players’ names and statistics constitute the intellectual property of Major League Baseball, requiring the payment of a royalty fee.  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing discuss this case in the following blog post: