The Value of Renegotiating Contracts in a Bad Economy

Should you try to renegotiate your contracts in a bad economy?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog has been exploring this issue and explains why you should consider renegotiation when the economy changes business conditions both parties are operating under in the following blog post:

Bad Economy Presents Opportunity to Renegotiate Contracts

Should you consider renegotiating signed contracts in a recession or poor economy?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explores this issue and makes a case for why renegotiation should be a priority in the following blog post:

Is Your Business Infringing on the Intellectual Property in Other Companies’ Logos?

If you have third party logos posted on your website, have you ever considered whether or not you are infringing on the third party’s intellectual property rights by displaying those logos on your site?  If not, perhaps this is something you should consider, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Blog explains in the following blog post link: