Facebook Reverses Decision and Announces Temporary Return to Prior Terms and Conditions

Facebook has reversed its unpopular decision to change its content licensing policy and other terms and conditions in response to pressure from users and commentators on the Internet, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explained in the following blog post:


Facebook Licensing Controversy Prompts Public to Take Closer Look at Social Networking Site Terms and Conditions

Facebook set off a controversy by amending its terms and conditions to permit broad commercialization of content on its website.  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored this controversy and the amended licensing terms in the following blog post:


Maintenance Agreements: How to Ensure Your Revenue Stream Continues Through the Recession

How do you perserve your maintenance agreement revenue stream in a bad economy?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue in the following blog post:


Should You Look to your Intellectual Property Portfolio to Carry You Through the Recession?

While looking at cutting expenses is a natural business step in response to a recession, your company should also consider whether adopting a licensing strategy for the IP portfolio might be a more profitable solution to dealing with a recession, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explains in the following blog post:


Associated Press Alleging Artist Stephen Fairey Infringed President Obama Photograph

Did artist Stephen Fairey infringe a photograph of President Obama?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the allegations and controversy in the following blog post linked below:
