Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issues Ruling Which Affirms Rights in an Exclusive License to Joint Intellectual Property

The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog reported on the decision reached by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation v. Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Appeal No. 08-1351 (7th Cir. 2010), affirming the licensor’s rights in an exclusive license to joint intellectual property in the following blog post:

Seventh Circuit Rules in favor of WARF in Licensing Dispute with Xenon Pharmaceuticals

The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of WARF in its licensing dispute with Xenon Pharmaceuticals, as reported by the California Biotech Law Blog in the following blog post:

SBIR Reauthorization Effort At a Standstill

The California Biotech Law Blog explored the issues delaying SBIR reauthorization in the following blog post: