Internet Transactions
Representative Transactions of the Internet Transactions Practice Team:
- Website and Application Development Agreements
- Website Hosting Agreements
- Search Engine Optimization (“SEO”) Agreements
- Online Advertising and Marketing Agreements
- Social Media Agreements and Service Terms
- Digital Media Development Agreements
- Texting Service Agreements
- Affiliate and Referral Agreements
- Lead Development Agreements
- Data Use and Licensing Agreements
- Domain Use and Resale Agreements
- Website and Domain Purchases and Acquisitions
- Content Licensing and Publishing Agreements
- Online Directory Management Agreements
- Outsourcing and Services Agreements
- Software Licensing Agreements and SaaS Contracts
- Copyright Licensing and Assignment Agreements
- Image Use Authorization Agreements
- Pre-Litigation Internet Dispute Defense
- Prinz Law Office’s Internet Transactions Practice Team has acquired extensive experience in negotiating and drafting commercial contracts in the Internet and social media industries, and advising entrepreneurs, start-ups, and small businesses on Internet and social media-related matters. The Internet Transactions Practice Team’s experience includes representing clients in Internet transactions across a variety of industries, including but not limited to the following:
- Graphic Design Industry;
- Marketing Industry;
- Information Technology (“IT”) Industry;
- Internet Retail Industry;
- Media and Digital Media Industry;
- Social Media Industry;
- Texting Industry;
- Online Directory Management Industry;
- Domain Resale Industry;
- Data Aggregation Industry;
- Content Publishing Industry;
- Online Testing Industry; and
- Educational Content Publishing Industry.
The firm also routinely drafts customized terms of service and privacy policies to fit client’s specific business models, and has routinely represented clients in negotiating pre-litigation settlements to disputes over commercial agreements in the Internet industry.
To set up a consultation with a Prinz Law attorney on how the firm can advise your business on your next Internet-related commercial agreement, please contact us today.