US Navy Responds to Copyright Infringement Suit Filed by Bitmanagement Software

Bitmanagement Software GmbH has filed suit against the US Navy alleging willful copyright infringement of its 3D virtual reality software “BS Contact Geo” and demanding $600 million in damages.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed this and the issues likely involved in the dispute in the following blogpost:

Lessons from the Copyright Infringement Verdict Against Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams

The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog recently looked at the copyright infringement verdict against Robin Thicke and Pharrell Williams and explored some of the lessons to be taken away from the verdict in the following blog post:


Landmark Copyright Verdict Against Media Companies

Freelance photographer Daniel Morel was recently awarded a $1.2 million damage verdict against Agence France-Presse (“AFP”) and Getty Images after it was found that they willfully infringed Mr. Morel’s photos of the 2010 earthquake in Haiti.  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed this case in the following blog post:

Supreme Court to Hear Streaming TV Case

The Supreme Court has agreed to hear the Aereo streaming TV case, as is further discussed by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following blog post:


Google Settles with Book Publishers in Copyright Infringement Dispute

Google has reached a settlement with several major American publishing companies, including but not limited to McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education and Penguin, John Wiley & Sons and Simon & Schuster  in a copyright infringement case challenging Google’s decision to scan the book collections of many major universities.  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looks at this case in a recent blog post linked below:

Copyright Office Seeking Comments to Proposed Change in Small Claims Remedies

Should there be small claims remedies to copyright infringement?  Congress has asked the Copyright Office to conduct a study on this issue, as is further discussed by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in a recent blog post:

Google to Factor DMCA Notices into Website Ranking

Google has announced that it will now be factoring the number of “valid” DMCA notices that it receives on a particular website into how it ranks that website in its search results, as is further discussed by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following blog post:

Copyright Infringement on the Web No Longer Limited to the Entertainment Industry

Have you run searches lately on the Internet to verify that none of your company’s works have been infringed?  If you were to run such a search, you are likely to find infringement on the Internet, according to this blog posting by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog linked below:

Anticipating Likely Copyright Battle, Amazon Backs Down Over Kindle 2 Audio Feature

Is the Kindle 2 audiobook text-to-speech feature infringing book author copyrights?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the controversy and Amazon’s attempt at resolving the issue in the following blog post:


Associated Press Alleging Artist Stephen Fairey Infringed President Obama Photograph

Did artist Stephen Fairey infringe a photograph of President Obama?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the allegations and controversy in the following blog post linked below: