Copyright Office Seeking Comments to Proposed Change in Small Claims Remedies

Should there be small claims remedies to copyright infringement?  Congress has asked the Copyright Office to conduct a study on this issue, as is further discussed by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in a recent blog post:

Copyright Office Issues Response to Backlog Reports

The Copyright Office has responded to claims that the Copyright Office has been experiencing a backlog, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog reported in the following blog post:


Copyright Office Announces Fee Increases

The Copyright Office has announced the adoption of new fees, as was reported by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following blog post:

Silicon Valley IP Licensing News Brief May 2009


Backlog Issues No Longer Limited to USPTO; Copyright Office Also Experiencing Long Delays

The backlog issues once limited to the Patent and Trademark Office have spilled over to the Copyright Office as well, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog reported in the following blog post: