Takeaways for Software Industry on the Cost of Data Breach

If you are a cloud service provider or a software provider who offers maintenance services to enterprise-level companies, then your company has likely had occasion to negotiate indemnification clauses related to data breaches.  Moreover, your company has probably had to provide warranties around data security or employee bad acts that would provide some protections to your customers in the event of a data breach.  But have you ever considered what the cost of a possible data breach might really be for your company?  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog addresses this issue in the following blogpost:


Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares PowerPoint on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace: Cyberinsurance, Blogs, and On-Line Advertising

Hottest Topics in Cyberspace: Cyberinsurance, Blogs, and On-Line Advertising (PowerPoint Presentation 114Kb)

Silicon Valley Internet Attorney Kristie Prinz to Speak on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace: Cyberinsurance, Blogs, and On-Line Advertising

Silicon Valley Internet Attorney Kristie Prinz to Speak on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace on January 20, 2007 at the
Section Education Institute, State Bar of California, Claremont Resort and Spa, Berkeley, CA. Please click here for details. Please click here to view the PowerPoint presentation.