Silicon Valley Internet Attorney Kristie Prinz to Speak on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace: Cyberinsurance, Blogs, and On-Line Advertising

Silicon Valley Internet Attorney Kristie Prinz to Speak on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace on January 20, 2007 at the
Section Education Institute, State Bar of California, Claremont Resort and Spa, Berkeley, CA. Please click here for details. Please click here to view the PowerPoint presentation.

Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares Publication on Strategies for Modifying Electronic Agreements and Policies

Strategies for Modifying Electronic Agreements and Policies (PowerPoint Presentation 95Kb)

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on Strategies for Modifying Electronic Standard-Form Agreements and Policies

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz will speak on Strategies for Modifying Electronic Standard-Form Agreements and Policies on April 1, 2005 at the ABA Section of Business Law 2005 Spring Meeting in Nashville, TN.
The event will be sponsored by the Electronic Commerce Subcommittee of the Cyberspace Law Committee. Please click here to view Kristie’s Powerpoint presentation that was inserted into the panel’s full presentation.

Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on What You Need to Know about CAN-SPAM

Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on a panel presentation on “What You Need to Know About CAN-SPAM” on June 8, 2004 at Pillsbury Winthrop LLP. The event is a brown bag lunch co-sponsored by the Santa Clara County Bar Association and California State Bar Business Section Cyberspace Law Committee.

E-Commerce: Ruling Brings to Light DMCA’s Broad Scope

E-Commerce: Ruling Brings to Light DMCA’s Broad Scope(PDF, 1.65Mb)

Reprinted with permission from the Monday, June 9, 2003 edition of the New York Law Journal © 2003 alm properties, inc. All rights reserved. Further duplication without permission is prohibited.