Recent FTC Enforcement Actions Should Serve as a Warning to Software Industry Regarding Privacy Practices
If your company is like most and you have given little or no thought to your company’s privacy policy while also collecting data and looking for ways to monetize it, then you may want to rethink how you are operating in light of recent enforcement actions by the FTC in the user data space. The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog addressed these developments in the following blogpost:
FTC Announces Order Against San Francisco Software Company
The FTC has issued an order against a San Francisco software company for deceptive and misleading trade practices with respect to the distribution of the software product and with respect to advertising and promotions related to the software product. The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog has provided a brief summary of the complaint and the order issued by the FTC in the following blogpost:
FTC Signals to Health Software Companies an Intention to Increase Scrutiny over Advertising Claims
The FTC has just reached a settlement with Lumos Labs over claims that the company was deceptively advertising the health benefits of its Luminosity software program. The FTC’s action over this issue should serve as a warning to the health software industry regarding how health software companies are advertising their products. The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog further addressed this matter in the following blog post:
Google Settles with FTC over In-App Purchases Made by Children
The Federal Trade Commission has announced that Google has agreed to refund customers’ unauthorized in-app purchases made by their children in the Google Play Store, as the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed in its recent blog posting attached below:
$163 Million Damage Award in Federal Case Against Scareware Software Company and Founders
The U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland has awarded damages in excess of $163 million in a FTC case against a “scareware” software company, Innovative Marketing, Inc. and its founders, as further discussed by the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog in the blog post link below:
FTC Proposing New Rules to Protect Children’s Online Privacy
FTC has announced that it is proposing an amendment to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”). The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed the proposed changes as well as the pros and cons of potential implementation in its blog posting linked below:
FTC’s Suit Against Intel: What Will Be the Impact on the Silicon Valley?
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed the likely impact of the FTC’s lawsuit against Intel on Silicon Valley in the following blog post: