In the Aftermath of GDPR, California Passes Consumer Privacy Act of 2018

Software companies are still taking steps to comply with the European Union’s General Data Privacy Regulation (“GDPR”), which just recently went into effect, but they now are facing the prospect of having to comply with a law closer to home: California’s New Consumer Privacy Act of 2018.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discusses this development at the following blogpost:

European Court to Hear Challenge to Privacy Shield: Will the Framework Survive Court Review?

If your software company has pursued Privacy Shield certification and is relying on the certification to comply with EU data privacy regulations, then you will be interested to know that a challenge to the framework is to be heard by a European High Court.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog has addressed this development and what it may mean for the Privacy Shield framework in the following blog post:

What Software Companies Need to Know about the GDPR

The European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (the “GDPR”) will go into effect on May 25, 2018.  In case you are not up to speed on the law already, what do you need to know about it before it goes into effect?  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog addressed the highlights of the regulation in the following blogpost
