Report Claims that Most Apps Fail to Protect Users’ Privacy

Do most apps on the market fail in provider users’ with basic privacy protections?

As the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog reported in a recent blog posting, a recent study suggests that this is in fact a common problem in the software industry, as further discussed in the link below:

FTC Proposing New Rules to Protect Children’s Online Privacy

FTC has announced that it is proposing an amendment to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”).  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed the proposed changes as well as the pros and cons of potential implementation in its blog posting linked below:

President Obama Announces The Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights

President Obama has announced the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights initiative, as further discussed by the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog in the following blog post linked here:

Web-Based Companies Evaluate the OPEN Act Proposed as an Alternative to SOPA

Is the Online Protection and Enforcement of the Digital Trade Act (“OPEN”) a better alternative to SOPA?  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explored this question in the blog post linked below:

SOPA Blackout Day Set to be Observed by Prominent Websites

A number of prominent websites are set to observe SOPA Blackout Day.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed the SOPA Blackout controversy in the following blog post linked here: