SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak at Upcoming Webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” at a webinar sponsored by Clear Law Institute, which will be held at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST on May 6, 2016.  For more information on the webinar, please contact Clear Law Institute at

Distinguishing Between the Software License and the SaaS Contract

The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog looked at what the differences are between the software license and the SaaS contract models in a recent blog posting linked below:

Apple to Begin Enforcing Royalty on Direct Sales of Applications Sold on App Store

Apple has signaled its intention to step up its enforcement of its royalty on direct sales of apps being sold on the App Store, as the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explained in its blog post linked below: