News Update on the U.S. Supreme Court Decision Affirming the Constitutionality of Inter Partes Reviews

News Update 4.25.18

Supreme Court Decision Reached on Case Dealing with Patent Invalidity Defense to Induced Patent Infringement

The U.S. Supreme Court has issued an opinion in the case of Commil USA v. Cisco Systems finding that patent invalidity is no defense to a claim of induced infringement.  The Court’s decision is discussed in the following blog posting by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog:

Challenges of Negotiating Licenses with Start-ups

What are some of the challenges in negotiating a license with a start-up?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog recently explored this issue in the following blog post:

Supreme Court Ruling on Who Bears the Burden of Proving Infringement in a Licensing Dispute

The Supreme Court has held that a patent owner has the burden of proving infringement when the licensee files a declaratory judgment action in a patent licensing dispute in the case of Medtronic Inc. v. Mirowski Family Ventures, LLC, as was further discussed by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following link:

What does Patent Reform Mean for Silicon Valley?

The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed the passage of the Patent Reform Bill and explored its significance to Silicon Valley in the following blog post link below:

Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issues Ruling Which Affirms Rights in an Exclusive License to Joint Intellectual Property

The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog reported on the decision reached by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation v. Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Appeal No. 08-1351 (7th Cir. 2010), affirming the licensor’s rights in an exclusive license to joint intellectual property in the following blog post: