Should You Follow This Start-up’s Lead if Approached by a Patent Troll?
Should you take a combative approach if approached by a patent troll? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog evaluates the response by one start-up in the following blog post:
Should you take a combative approach if approached by a patent troll? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog evaluates the response by one start-up in the following blog post:
The California Biotech Law Blog looked at the issue of how patent reform would affect the biotech industry in the following blog post link:
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed the passage of the Patent Reform Bill and explored its significance to Silicon Valley in the following blog post link below:
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog compared and contrasted the Leahy-Hatch and Kyl Patent Reform Bills in the follow blog post linked below:
The Federal Circuit has reached a decision in Tafas v. Doll, which is a case that challenged the rulemaking authority of the USPTO, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed in the following blog post linked below:
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue of whether copyright reform rather than patent reform should be on the table, and if so, why, in the following blog post: