Pitfalls in Negotiating and Drafting Exclusive Licensing Deals: Lessons from Macy’s Dispute with JcPenneys over the Martha Stewart Product Line

Entering into an exclusive licensing deal can be a business decision that you may live to regret, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored in the case of the dispute between Macy’s and JcPenneys over the Martha Stuart product line in the link below:


How to Choose Your Start-up’s Name

What issues should you consider when choosing the name of your start-up?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue in the following blog post:


World Trademark Review Interviews Trademark Lawyer Kristie Prinz in “Responsive PR is a Must When Media Cries ‘Trademark Bully'”

Click here to read story.

World Trademark Review Interviews Silicon Valley Trademark Lawyer Kristie Prinz

The World Trademark Review recently interviewed Silicon Valley Trademark Lawyer Kristie Prinz.  A blog post linking to the story is below:



Trademark Commissioner Resigns over Allegations of Nepotism Law Violations

Trademark Commissioner Deborah Cohn recently resigned after a controversy arose over allegations of a nepotism law violation, as was reported by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following blog post:



Twitpic’s Abrupt Announcement to Shut Down over Trademark Dispute: Convenient Excuse or Full Story?

Twitpic has announced that it will be shutting down over a trademark dispute with Twitter regarding the use of the name “twitpic.”   The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue and questioned whether the reasons for the shutdown in the attached blog post:



Avoiding Marketing Traps Around Milestone Events

Marketing around big events could result in a trademark dispute, as the Silicon IP Licensing Law Blog discussed in the following blog post:


Apple Trademark Dispute With Proview Becomes Global Fight

Apple’s trademark dispute with Proview has become a two-front fight on both the local and international levels, as The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored in the following blog post:


Lessons for Silicon Valley Companies from Apple Trademark Dispute

What are the lessons Silicon Valley companies should take away from Apple’s trademark dispute over the use of the mark “iPad” in China?  The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looks at the dispute and the lessons to be learned from the dispute in the following blog post:


Is Your Business Infringing on the Intellectual Property in Other Companies’ Logos?

If you have third party logos posted on your website, have you ever considered whether or not you are infringing on the third party’s intellectual property rights by displaying those logos on your site?  If not, perhaps this is something you should consider, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Blog explains in the following blog post link:
