The Prinz Law Office Announces New 2011 Rate Packages

The Prinz Law Office has announced its new rate packages for 2011, including a new simplified retainer option that enables long-term  clients to lock in discounts which increase based on the selection of  a 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, or 36 month payment plan.

For information on the firm’s new payment plans, please contact us at

The Prinz Law Office Announces New Fixed Rate Price Packages

Following up on our announcement earlier this week about our new programs aimed at helping cash-strapped entrepreneurs and businesses, The Prinz Law Office is announcing the adoption of our new,  simplified,  fixed rate packages, which will be effective immediately for all new matters.

To request additional information on our new fixed rate package listings, or information about any of our other price plans, please contact Kristie Prinz at