Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”

Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” for a webinar hosted by Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 from 10-11:15 a.m.  PST.

Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Drafting Software Hosting Agreements: Service Availability, Performance, Data Security, Other Key Provisions”

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker for the webinar “Drafting Software Hosting Agreements: Service Availability, Performance, Data Security, Other Key Provisions” for the Atlanta, Georgia-based Strafford on January 23, 2018.

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” for a webinar hosted by Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 from 10-11:15 a.m.  PST.

The Prinz Law Office Announces that Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will Speak at Upcoming Webinar on Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts

Press Release Announcing Clear Law Institute Webinar

FTC Announces Order Against San Francisco Software Company

The FTC has issued an order against a San Francisco software company for deceptive and misleading trade practices with respect to the distribution of the software product and with respect to advertising and promotions related to the software product.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog has provided a brief summary of the complaint and the order issued by the FTC in the following blogpost:

Defend Trade Secrets Act Augments Silicon Valley Companies’ Tools to Protect Trade Secrets

If your company is like most technology companies, trade secrets comprise the bulk of your intellectual property and you have probably long been frustrated with the minimal resources available to you to protect them from misappropriation. Congress has just taken action to assist your effort by passing the Defend Trade Secrets Act of 2016. The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explores the significance of the new law in the following blogpost:

Microsoft Launches New Constitutional Challenge Against Alleged Federal Government Searches of Customer Data in Cloud

Microsoft has just launched a constitutional challenge against the federal government over its use of indefinite gag orders when the government subpoenas information from customer cloud account.  The action was clearly timed to capitalize on public sentiment against the government for its perceived instrusion on privacy rights in the recent action against Apple regarding the encryption of the San Bernardino terrorist smartphone.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog further explores this development in the blogpost linked below:

Third Party Successfully Unlocks Terrorist iPhone, ending Government Encryption Case Against Apple

The U.S. Justice Department has announced that the third party who came forward and convinced the FBI that it could unlock the San Bernardino terrorist’s encrypted iPhone successfully unlocked the encrypted iPhone, ending the standoff between Apple and the FBI.   The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog addressed the developments in this fight between the U.S. Government and Apple in the following blogpost:


Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak at Upcoming Webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts

Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” at a webinar sponsored by Clear Law Institute at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. PST on May 6, 2016.  To sign up to attend the program, please register at the Clear Law Institute Website at

The Encryption Debate: Will Government or Industry Win?

When the Justice Department decided to wage a legal battle against Apple over encryption on the iPhone of one of San Bernardino terrorists, the government moved the encryption debate into the public arena and triggered a public debate over the issue.  Now, it is reported that the government is considering launching a second case over the encryption issue against yet another company.  Who will be the ultimate winner in this debate?  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explores the issues in the following blogpost:

SaaS Agreements Lawyer Kristie Prinz to be featured speaker for “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” Webinar Hosted by Clear Law Institute

Saas Agreements Lawyer Ms. Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker for the webinar “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for the Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EDT.

Prinz Law Announces Opening of San Jose Office

The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce the opening of its new San Jose Office.   To read the press release announcing the opening, please click on the link below:

 The Prinz Law Office Opens San Jose Office Press Release 12.21.15

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz Invited to Speak at SaaS Contract Negotiation Webinar

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz has been invited to speak at the upcoming webinar on SaaS Contract Negotiation further described in this link below:


SaaS Attorney Kristie Prinz Speaks on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”

SaaS Attorney Ms. Kristie Prinz presented a webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Monday November 2, 2015.

SaaS Attorney Kristie Prinz Shares Powerpoint Presentation on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for Clear Law Institute Event

SaaS Attorney Kristie Prinz has made available for viewing her Powerpoint presentation prepared for the recent event “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts.”

“Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” November 2, 2015 Powerpoint

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts Hosted by Clear Law Institute

SaaS Lawyer Ms. Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker for the webinar “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for the Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Monday, November 2nd at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EDT.   For more information about the upcoming webinar, please click here.

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares Powerpoint Presentation on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for Stafford Publication Event

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz has made available for review her Powerpoint presentation prepared for the recent event “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”:

“Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” by Kristie Prinz.

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on SaaS Contract Negotiation at Upcoming Webinar

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz has agreed to speak at an upcoming webinar  for the Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Monday, November 2nd at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EDT as further discussed in this link:

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”

Ms. Prinz was featured as a speaker for a webinar on “Negotiating Software a Service Contracts” on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 for Atlanta-based Stafford Publications.

Software Industry Considers Consquences of Supreme Court Decision on Patent Validity Defense to Claim of Induced Infringement

The U.S. Supreme Court has just issued an opinion in the Commil vs. Cisco Systems case,  prompting members of the software industry to consider how the ruling will impact member software companies, as we further explored in our recent Silicon Valley Software Law Blog Posting:


Senate Cybersecurity Bill May Increase Government Surveillance Pressures on Cloud Companies

Privacy groups have voiced concerns about the Senate Intelligence Committee’s recent introduction of a cybersecurity bill, as was further explored by the firm in the following Silicon Valley Software Law Blog posting linked below:

Software Companies Consider Impact of FCC Decision on Net Neutrality

The Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) recently adopted rules on the issue of net neutrality.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog looked at the recently decision and contemplated the impact in the link posted below:


Distinguishing Between the Software License and the SaaS Contract

The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog looked at what the differences are between the software license and the SaaS contract models in a recent blog posting linked below:

World Trademark Review Interviews Trademark Lawyer Kristie Prinz in “Responsive PR is a Must When Media Cries ‘Trademark Bully'”

Click here to read story.

Report Claims that Most Apps Fail to Protect Users’ Privacy

Do most apps on the market fail in provider users’ with basic privacy protections?

As the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog reported in a recent blog posting, a recent study suggests that this is in fact a common problem in the software industry, as further discussed in the link below:

California Adopts Smartphone Killswitch Law

California has adopted a law that require smartphones sold in the state to have smartphone kill settings enabled as the default settings on the phone.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explores the impact of this legislation in the link set forth below:

California notifies App-based Ride Service Uber and Competitors that Service is Illegal

The state of California has notified Uber, Lyft, and Sidecar that their services are illegal under California law, as further discussed by the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog in the post below:


California Governor Signs Law Prohibiting Nondisparagement Clauses in Consumer Contracts

California has adopted a law prohibiting nondisparagement clauses in consumer contracts, as the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explored in the blog post linked below:

IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz Presents on Negotiating License Agreements with Startups

IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz recently recorded a course for the Certified Patent Valuation Analyst Program titled “Negotiating License Agreements with Startups.”

Click here to view description of course.


$163 Million Damage Award in Federal Case Against Scareware Software Company and Founders

The U.S. District Court for the District of Maryland has awarded damages in excess of $163 million in a FTC case against a “scareware” software company,  Innovative Marketing, Inc. and its founders, as further discussed by the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog in the blog post link below:

FTC Proposing New Rules to Protect Children’s Online Privacy

FTC has announced that it is proposing an amendment to the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Rule (“COPPA”).  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed the proposed changes as well as the pros and cons of potential implementation in its blog posting linked below:

President Obama Announces The Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights

President Obama has announced the Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights initiative, as further discussed by the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog in the following blog post linked here:

Web-Based Companies Evaluate the OPEN Act Proposed as an Alternative to SOPA

Is the Online Protection and Enforcement of the Digital Trade Act (“OPEN”) a better alternative to SOPA?  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explored this question in the blog post linked below:

SOPA Blackout Day Set to be Observed by Prominent Websites

A number of prominent websites are set to observe SOPA Blackout Day.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed the SOPA Blackout controversy in the following blog post linked here:

Silicon Valley Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Blog Law Developments

Internet Lawyer Ms. Kristie Prinz will be speaking on “Blog Law Developments” for the Sunnyvale-Cupertino Bar Association at Holder’s Country Inn in Cupertino on October 10, 2011.  To register to attend the program, click here.

Apple to Begin Enforcing Royalty on Direct Sales of Applications Sold on App Store

Apple has signaled its intention to step up its enforcement of its royalty on direct sales of apps being sold on the App Store, as the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explained in its blog post linked below:


How to Protect Your Ideas Before the Launch of a Software Start-up

How do you protect your ideas before you launch your novel software start-up?  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explored this issue in the following blog post linked here:

Consider Alternatives to Equity When Launching Your Start-up’s First Development Project

If you are like many software start-ups, you probably think that equity is the only way to pay for your development work. However, this is not in fact the only option for a cash-strapped start-up, as the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed in the blog post linked here:

Biotech and Life Sciences IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak at PepTalk IP Panel Presentation on Biotech/ Pharma Processes

Biotech and Life Sciences IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz speak on January 11, 2008 on the IP Panel for Process Management–Route to Success at PepTalk which will be held at Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego.

For more details about the event, please click here.

Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Who is Watching Out for Your In-House Career: How a Professional Coach Can Help You Gain the Edge

Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking at the Association of Corporate Counsel 2007 Annual Meeting at the Hyatt Regency Chicago.

For more details about the event, please click here.

Please click here to view the Powerpoint presentation.

Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace–Verizon v. Vonage and Sprint v. Vonage: A Tale of Two Patent Infringement Cases and Their Impact on the VoIP Industry

Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz will speak at the State Bar of California Annual Meeting in Anaheim on September 29, 2007.

Please click here to view the Powerpoint presentation.

Telecommunications and Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Participate in Panel on Ethical Issues in Deployment of VoIP Systems: Client Record Gathering and Voice & Data Storage

Telecommunications and Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be participating in panel at the ABA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, on August 11, 2007.

For more details about the event, please click here.

Silicon Valley Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Recent Developments in Blog Law

Silicon Valley Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on Recent Developments in Blog Law on June 14, 2007 at the Silicon Valley Capital Club.

State Bar of California, Business Section Cyberspace Committee. Please click here to view the Powerpoint presentation.

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business at the Silicon Valley Capital Club, Speaker Business Forum Luncheon, on May 24, 2007.

Silicon Valley Internet Attorney Kristie Prinz to Speak on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace: Cyberinsurance, Blogs, and On-Line Advertising

Silicon Valley Internet Attorney Kristie Prinz to Speak on Hottest Topics in Cyberspace on January 20, 2007 at the
Section Education Institute, State Bar of California, Claremont Resort and Spa, Berkeley, CA. Please click here for details. Please click here to view the PowerPoint presentation.

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business for the Sunnyvale Rotary Club on November 7, 2006.

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business at an event hosted on July 18, 2006 by the NAWBO Silicon Valley Chapter at Silicon Valley Capital Club, San Jose.

Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Who is Watching Out for Your In-House Career: How a Professional Coach Can Help You Gain the Edge

Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on May 25, 2006 on Who is Watching Out for Your In-House Career: How a Professional Coach Can Help You Gain the Edge for the Association of Corporate Counsel-America, San Francisco Bay Chapter, NEC Corporation, Silicon Valley.

Telecommunications Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Chair Panel regarding Changing Face of Telecommunication (VOIP, WiFi)

Telecommunications Lawyer Kristie Prinz to chair panel on May 5, 2006 Regarding Changing Face of Telecommunication (VOIP, WiFi) for the International Technology Law Association, 35th Anniversary-Annual Meeting and World Conference, The Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco.

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on Strategies for Modifying Electronic Standard-Form Agreements and Policies

Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz will speak on Strategies for Modifying Electronic Standard-Form Agreements and Policies on April 1, 2005 at the ABA Section of Business Law 2005 Spring Meeting in Nashville, TN.
The event will be sponsored by the Electronic Commerce Subcommittee of the Cyberspace Law Committee. Please click here to view Kristie’s Powerpoint presentation that was inserted into the panel’s full presentation.

Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on Copyrights: Lessons and Practice Tips from Recent Cases

Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz will speak on copyright law on April 5, 2004 at the San Francisco Downtown Courtyard by Marriott
Developing, Protecting, and Exploiting Software Conference sponsored by Law Seminars International. Please click here to view the PowerPoint presentation.

Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on What You Need to Know about CAN-SPAM

Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on a panel presentation on “What You Need to Know About CAN-SPAM” on June 8, 2004 at Pillsbury Winthrop LLP. The event is a brown bag lunch co-sponsored by the Santa Clara County Bar Association and California State Bar Business Section Cyberspace Law Committee.