Internet Terms of Service and Privacy Policies

The Prinz Law Office’s Internet Practice Team routinely advises entrepreneurs, start-ups, small businesses, and established companies on drafting appropriate terms of service, privacy policies, acceptable use policies, and other online terms and policies for their businesses.   In general, the clients who hire us for this type of drafting project are still in the process of creating their business and business models, so our lawyers are often starting from a completely blank slate in developing a business model-appropriate terms of service and privacy policy for a business.  However, in other cases, the clients may have been in business a while and have de facto terms of service and privacy policies but have never created the appropriate documents to fit their businesses.  Whatever the circumstances of the client, the firm is highly experienced at evaluating the clients needs and creating terms of service and privacy policies that fit that need.

Profile of a Representative Firm Internet Terms of Service/Privacy Policy Client:

  • Entrepreneur or Early Stage Company
  • No in-house legal department
  • Launching or recently launched product or service
  • Template documents were never custom-drafted for company or business model
  • Concerned that template contract is not well-drafted or has flaws

The Internet Practice Team’s experience includes representing clients in drafting Internet terms of service and policies across a variety of industries, including but not limited to the following:

  • Internet Retail Industry;
  • Adventure Travel Industry;
  • Product Review Industry;
  • Intellectual Property Transfer Industry;
  • Information Technology (“IT” Industry);
  • Fitness Product Industry;
  • Marketing Industry;
  • Media and Digital Media Industry;
  • Social Media Industry;
  • Online Directory Management Industry;
  • Domain Resale Industry;
  • Data Aggregation Industry;
  • Content Publishing Industry;
  • Solar Photonics Industry;
  • Hardware Industry;
  • Freelancer Industry;
  • Content Publishing Industry;
  • Physical Therapy Industry; and
  • Personal Trainer Industry.

The Team provides services on an hourly, flat, fixed project, subscription and fractional basis.  View our Services page for more information.

To set up a consultation with a Prinz Law attorney on how the firm can draft or revise a terms of service and privacy policy, or other terms and policies for your business, please contact us today. Also, please check out our recorded programs and upcoming presentations at The Prinz Law Store.



| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •6203 San Ignacio Avenue Suite 110, San Jose, CA 95119 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 Los Angeles▪310.907.9218 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 | Sitemap

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