
The Prinz Law Office provides legal services to clients on the following traditional and alternative billing arrangements, which clients can select at their option:

Standard Hourly Services

For clients who prefer to work with us on an “as-needed” hourly basis, we make available legal services on an hourly rate model.

Flat Fee Services

For clients who prefer to work with us on an “all flat fee” basis, we make available services on a flat fee service model.  For more information on flat fee services, please view here.

Fixed-Rate Services

For clients who prefer to work with us on a “project” basis, we make available legal services on a fixed project rate model.  Clients working on a project basis will be asked to define the project in advance and the firm will develop a fixed-rate customized service offering around the defined project.  Alternatively, clients working on a project basis may select from a standard list of pre-packaged fixed-rate project items on-demand. For more information on fixed-rate services, please view here.

Fractional Services

For clients who prefer to work with us on a “recurring volume” basis, we make available legal services on a fractional rate model.  Clients working on a fractional basis will be eligible to receive a special discount based on the recurring commitment of service hours over a monthly or quarterly period.   We make available a variety of different plans, which clients may elect upon their needs and requirements. For more information on fractional services, please view here.

Subscription Services

For clients who prefer to work with us on a “recurring service bundle” basis, we make available on a subscription rate model,  where clients can subscribe to have access to certain specified services on a monthly or quarterly basis.  These plans include entrepreneur,  advisory and contract review plans, where a client can have access to ongoing legal services without having to worry about the number of hours of attorney time incurred for those services.  For more information on subscription services, please view here.

Paralegal Services

For clients who prefer to work with a paralegal on all or any part of their matters, the firm now makes available paralegal services, which services are available on either an hourly rate basis, a flat fee basis, or as part of a fixed-rate project, depending on the matter type and availability of the paralegal.

The firm currently accepts payments made by valid check, ACH transfer, Zelle, PayPal, e-check or valid credit card.  To make a payment by PayPal, e-check, or credit card, please complete a separate payment authorization form prior to submitting your payment. For more information on payments, please view here.


For more information about the firm’s service options or to request a custom quote, please schedule an appointment today.  For a list of answers to commonly asked questions about our services, please view here.



| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 | Sitemap

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