Fixed-Rate Services


Benefits of Fixed Rate Projects

The Prinz Law Office makes available services on a fixed rate basis to clients who have a defined project requiring legal services and are seeking a fixed rate for their project.

How do Fixed Rate Project Services Work?

The firm’s fixed-rate service offerings provide the same high level of service available to our hourly clients but on a fixed-rate, defined project basis.

Clients seeking to work with the firm on fixed-rate basis may elect to work pursuant to a pre-defined project or, alternatively, by a custom-defined project determined in accordance with their specific needs and requirements.  All fixed-rate project plans are fully customizable.

Examples of Fixed-Rate Projects

The firm’s pre-defined, fixed-rate projects include:

  • Contract Drafting Projects
  • Terms of Service Drafting Projects
  • Contract Review/Terms of Service Review Projects
  • Privacy Policy Drafting and Review Projects
  • Copyright Registration Projects
  • Trademark Registration Projects

An entry-level example of a pre-defined, fixed rate option for contract review with revisions is provided below:

  • Basic Review + Revisions (5 pgs)     $1550    Fixed fee includes review of existing contract limited to only terms set forth on the face of the contract and a single set of basic revisions as required by the limited review. No additional calls or email responses are included.  No additional sets of revisions beyond the first set are included.  Assumes contract length that does not exceed 5 pages (no less than 11 pt. one column).

An entry-level example of a pre-defined fixed rate option for the drafting of a generic contract is provided below:

  • Draft Generic Contract (5 pgs)  $5000 Fixed fee includes initial assessment of client’s current terms requirements based on responses to a questionnaire and a call/videoconference not to exceed 60 minutes.  Creation of a first draft of a terms not to exceed a maximum of 5 pages in length (11 pt font maximum, one column) based on terms requirements as determined by assessment.  No additional emails or phone calls/videoconferences or included.  No custom drafted schedules are included.  No revisions to draft are included.

To inquire about the availability of any of the above fixed project packages or solicit a quote for a custom scope of work, please schedule a consultation today at


| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 | Sitemap

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