
The Prinz Law Office accepts invoice payments made by credit card, PayPal, echeck, Zelle, ACH transfer, and valid check.  To make an invoice payment by credit card, PayPal, or echeck please complete a credit card authorization form before you make the payment.

To access a quickpay link to make an electronic payment, please click here.

To access a quickpay link to make a PayPal payment, please click here.

The Prinz Law Office has discontinued our past policy of accepting client retainer payments made credit card or PayPal, in order to ensure that retainers remain secure from fraudulent activity.  In the event you are a client of this firm and need to pay a retainer by credit card or PayPal for any reason, please reach out to us separately about your circumstances and we will try to accommodate your individual needs. 


| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 | Sitemap

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