Posts Tagged ‘Los angeles IT law firm’

California Contemplates Passage of State Net Neutrality Bill

Wednesday, April 18th, 2018

With the impending repeal of net neutrality at the federal level, California is currently considering the passage of a net neutrality bill to restore net neutrality at the statewide level.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discusses the proposed bill at the following blogpost:

Bipartisan Bill Introduced in Senate that Seeks to Prevent Attacks on American Cyber-Networks

Friday, May 19th, 2017

The “PATCH Act of 2017” has just been introduced in the Senate, which would require government agencies to submit security holes in software products they identify for independent review in order to determine any vulnerabilities that need to be addressed.  For more information on the bill, please check out the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog posting on the story:


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