- SaaS, Software Licensing, Development, Software Transactions
- Tech Transactions & Privacy
- Digital Health Transactions & Health Technology Contracts
- Life Sciences Transactions
- Intellectual Property
- Business Transactions and Counseling
SaaS, Software Licensing, Development, Software Transactions
SaaS, Software Licensing, Development and Software Transactions

Prinz Law Software Practice Team has developed extensive expertise in advising software developers, entrepreneurs, start-ups, and corporate legal departments on all stages of drafting, negotiating, and managing software business deals across a variety of diverse industries, from bioinformatics and medical and health technology to office space management, fintech, and the edtech industries.
The Team has worked with clients not only in Silicon Valley, the San Francisco Bay Area, and Los Angeles and Orange County, but also throughout the United States and in the United Kingdom, Europe, Australia, and New Zealand in drafting highly technical software licenses, SaaS agreements, software development agreements, software testing agreements, software evaluation agreements, service level agreements (“SLAs”), reseller agreements, master service agreements (“MSAs”) and related software industry contracts that are customized to the software entrepreneur or company’s unique software technology and business model. The Team has also advised clients companies of all sizes on negotiating and closing high revenue software deals with software business partners across a variety of industries, and on resolving out-of-court disputes that have arisen between software business partners on software business deals previously negotiated by the parties. Additionally, the Team regularly advises software clients on the purchase and sale of software assets and on software business acquisitions. The Team has developed a particular niche in advising software companies in the drafting and negotiation of deals with large enterprise companies, and is actively developing expertise in the AI niche.
In addition to the Team’s extensive experience in representing software and SaaS companies around the world, firm founder Kristie Prinz has become a nationally recognized expert on SaaS contracts, and is frequently asked to speak on legal issues related to SaaS contracts. She also runs the Silicon Valley Software Advisors Group, which is a networking group of more than 300 software service professionals nationwide.
The Prinz Law Software Practice Team provides services on an hourly, flat, fixed project, subscription and fractional basis. View our Services page for more information.
To set up a consultation with a Prinz Law attorney to determine how the firm can advise your software company or development team on how to take its software contracting business functions to the next level, please schedule a consultation today.
Also, Prinz Law invites you to check out our regular postings on software law developments at the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog and our postings on SaaS contract drafting at the SaaS Contracts Law Blog.
Representative Software SaaS Client Industries
- Health Tech, Medical, and Health Care Services Industry
- Bioinformatics Industry
- Office Space Management Industry
- Commercial Traffic Monitoring Industry
- Association Directory Management Industry
- Energy Industry
- Food Services Industry
- Social Media Industry
- Live Entertainment Industry
- Amusement Park Industry
- Gaming Industry
- Education and Testing Industry
- Fitness Industry
- Fintech and Electronic Payments Industry
Representative Software Practice Group Matters
- Software License Agreements/Software Maintenance Agreements
- SaaS Contracts
- Service Level Agreements (“SLAs”)
- Software Development Agreements
- Software Evaluation/Testing Agreements
- Master Service Agreements (“MSAs”) and Professional Services Agreements
- Software Reseller Agreements/Value-Added Reseller Agreements
- Consortia Agreements
- Business Associate Agreements
- Intellectual Property Protection & Enforcement and Regulatory Advice
- Software Mergers & Acquisitions
- Pre-Litigation Software Disputes
Software Contract Drafting Articles of Interest by the Firm
- Does Your Customer Software License or SaaS Agreement Leave Your Company Vulnerable to a Dispute Over Implementation?
- Six Signs You Are Reviewing a Poorly Drafted Software Contract
- Common Software Agreement Fee Drafting Problems and How to Fix Them
- Software Licensing vs. Software-as-a-Service (“SaaS”): The Importance of Technology Model to Contract Drafting
- Drafting SaaS and Software Licenses Effectively Requires High Level Knowledge About the Technology
- Careful Drafting of Pricing Terms is Key to All Software Licenses and SaaS Agreements
- Service Level Agreements: What is a Service Level Agreement and When Do You Need One?
- Recent Software Class Actions Provide Valuable Lesson on Why SaaS Contracts Should be Drafted to Fit Company’s Business Model
- Insurance Industry Guidance to Consider when Negotiating a SaaS Indemnification Clause
- What Software Companies Need to Know About the EU General Data Protection Regulation
- In the Aftermath of GDPR, California Passes Consumer Privacy Act of 2018
- Top Ten Mistakes Made in Software Deals without the Representation of Experienced Software Counsel