Posts Tagged ‘Georgia attorney’
Thursday, December 31st, 2015
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce the opening of its new Atlanta Office. To read the press release announcing the opening, please click on the link below:
The Prinz Law Office press release 12.31.15.
Tags: Atlanta, Atlanta attorney, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, Georgia, Georgia attorney, Georgia law firm, Georgia lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley attorney, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, Southeast
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Monday, November 2nd, 2015
SaaS Attorney Ms. Kristie Prinz presented a webinar on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Monday November 2, 2015.
Tags: Atlanta attorney, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, california attorney, California law firm, california lawyer, Georgia attorney, Georgia law firm, Georgia lawyer, Irvine attorney, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Orange County attorney, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, SaaS agreements, SaaS attorney, SaaS contracts, SaaS law firm, SaaS lawyer, San Diego attorney, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, software as a service agreements, software as a service attorney, software as a service contracts, Software as a service law firm, software as a service lawyer
Posted in News | Comments Off on SaaS Attorney Kristie Prinz Speaks on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”
Monday, November 2nd, 2015
SaaS Attorney Kristie Prinz has made available for viewing her Powerpoint presentation prepared for the recent event “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts.”
“Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” November 2, 2015 Powerpoint
Tags: Atlanta attorney, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, california attorney, California law firm, california lawyer, Georgia attorney, Georgia law firm, Georgia lawyer, Irvine attorney, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, negotiating, negotiation, Orange County attorney, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, SaaS, SaaS attorney, SaaS contracts, SaaS law firm, SaaS lawyer, San Diego attorney, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, Software as a Service, software as a service attorney, software as a service contracts, Software as a service law firm, software as a service lawyer
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on SaaS Attorney Kristie Prinz Shares Powerpoint Presentation on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for Clear Law Institute Event
Thursday, October 8th, 2015
SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz has made available for review her Powerpoint presentation prepared for the recent event “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts”:
“Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” by Kristie Prinz.
Tags: Atlanta attorney, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, california attorney, California law firm, california lawyer, Georgia attorney, Georgia law firm, Georgia lawyer, Irvine attorney, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Orange County attorney, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, SaaS, SaaS agreements, SaaS attorney, SaaS contracts, SaaS lawyer, San Diego attorney, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, softwae as a service lawyer, Software as a Service, software as a service agreements, software as a service attorney, software as a service contracts, software lawyer
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares Powerpoint Presentation on “Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts” for Stafford Publication Event
Tuesday, September 8th, 2015
Ms. Prinz was featured as a speaker for a webinar on “Negotiating Software a Service Contracts” on Tuesday, September 8, 2015 for Atlanta-based Stafford Publications.
Tags: Atlanta attorney, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, Atlanta SaaS attorney, Atlanta SaaS law firm, Atlanta SaaS lawyer, california attorney, California law firm, california lawyer, Georgia attorney, Georgia law firm, Georgia lawyer, Irvine attorney, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Irvine SaaS attorney, Irvine SaaS law firm, Irvine SaaS lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Los Angeles SaaS attorney, Los Angeles SaaS law firm, Los Angeles SaaS lawyer, Orange County attorney, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Orange County SaaS attorney, Orange County SaaS law firm, Orange County SaaS lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, SaaS agreements, SaaS attorney, SaaS contracts, SaaS law firm, SaaS lawyer, San Diego attorney, San Diego lawyer, San Diego SaaS attorney, San Diego SaaS law firm, San Diego SaaS lawyer, San Jose attorney, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, san jose SaaS attorney, San Jose SaaS law firm, san jose SaaS lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, software as a service agreements, software as a service attorney, software as a service contracts, Software as a service law firm, software as a service lawyer
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| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 |