Posts Tagged ‘irvine business law firm’
Wednesday, September 10th, 2014
California has adopted a law prohibiting nondisparagement clauses in consumer contracts, as the Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explored in the blog post linked below:
Tags: AB 2365, business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, Governor Brown, Irvine attorney, irvine business attorney, irvine business law firm, irvine business lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles business attorney, los angeles business law firm, los angeles business lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, nondisparagement clauses, Orange County attorney, orange county business attorney, orange county business law firm, orange county business lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, San Diego attorney, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, silicon valley software law blog
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Thursday, May 24th, 2007
Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business at the Silicon Valley Capital Club, Speaker Business Forum Luncheon, on May 24, 2007.
Tags: acquisitions, Atlanta attorney, atlanta business attorney, atlanta business law firm, atlanta business lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, Irvine attorney, irvine business attorney, irvine business law firm, irvine business lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles business attorney, los angeles business law firm, los angeles business lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, mergers & acquisitions attorney, mergers & acquisitions law firm, mergers & acquisitions lawyer, Orange County attorney, orange county business attorney, orange county business law firm, orange county business lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, San Diego attorney, san diego business attorney, san diego business law firm, san diego business lawyer, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, small business, The Prinz Law Office
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Tuesday, November 7th, 2006
Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business for the Sunnyvale Rotary Club on November 7, 2006.
Tags: acquisitions, Atlanta attorney, atlanta business attorney, atlanta business law firm, atlanta business lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, Irvine attorney, irvine business attorney, irvine business law firm, irvine business lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles business attorney, los angeles business law firm, los angeles business lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Orange County attorney, orange county business attorney, orange county business law firm, orange county business lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, Rotary Club, San Diego attorney, san diego business attorney, san diego business law firm, san diego business lawyer, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, small business, Sunnyvale, The Prinz Law Office
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Tuesday, July 18th, 2006
Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on Understanding the Acquisitions Process: How to Use the Sale and Purchase of Assets to Grow Your Business at an event hosted on July 18, 2006 by the NAWBO Silicon Valley Chapter at Silicon Valley Capital Club, San Jose.
Tags: acquisitions, Atlanta attorney, atlanta business attorney, atlanta business law firm, atlanta business lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, Irvine attorney, irvine business attorney, irvine business law firm, irvine business lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles business attorney, los angeles business law firm, los angeles business lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, National Association of Women Business Owners, NAWBO, Orange County attorney, orange county business attorney, orange county business law firm, orange county business lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, San Diego attorney, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose, San Jose attorney, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, silicon vally business law firm, small business, The Prinz Law Office
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Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on IP Reps and Warranties Gone Wrong: Avoid Potholes in the Business Transaction on April 2, 2005 for the ABA Section of Business Law 2005 Spring Meeting in Nashville, TN.
The event is sponsored by the Intellectual Property Committee.
Tags: atlanta business attorney, atlanta business law firm, atlanta business lawyer, atlanta ip licensing attorney, atlanta ip licensing law firm, atlanta ip licensing lawyer, business attorney, business law, business law firm, business lawyer, business transactions, intellectual property, IP, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, irvine business attorney, irvine business law firm, irvine business lawyer, irvine ip licensing attorney, irvine ip licensing law firm, irvine ip licensing lawyer, Kristie Prinz, los angeles business attorney, los angeles business law firm, los angeles business lawyer, los angeles ip licensing attorney, los angeles ip licensing law firm, los angeles ip licensing lawyer, orange county business attorney, orange county business law firm, orange county business lawyer, orange county ip licensing attorney, orange county ip licensing law firm, orange county ip licensing lawyer, Prinz Law, san diego business attorney, san diego business law firm, san diego business lawyer, san diego ip licensing attorney, san diego ip licensing law firm, san diego ip licensing lawyer, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, The Prinz Law Office
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Friday, April 1st, 2005
Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Kristie Prinz will speak on Strategies for Modifying Electronic Standard-Form Agreements and Policies on April 1, 2005 at the ABA Section of Business Law 2005 Spring Meeting in Nashville, TN.
The event will be sponsored by the Electronic Commerce Subcommittee of the Cyberspace Law Committee. Please click here to view Kristie’s Powerpoint presentation that was inserted into the panel’s full presentation.
Tags: Atlanta attorney, atlanta business attorney, atlanta business law firm, atlanta business lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, cyberspace, e-commerce, ecommerce, electronic agreements, Irvine attorney, irvine business attorney, irvine business law firm, irvine business lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles business attorney, los angeles business law firm, los angeles business lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Orange County attorney, orange county business attorney, orange county business law firm, orange county business lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, San Diego attorney, san diego business attorney, san diego business law firm, san diego business lawyer, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, The Prinz Law Office, website terms and conditions
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| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 |