Posts Tagged ‘recession’
Monday, April 6th, 2020
Technology Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on “Negotiating Master Service Agreements in an Uncertain Economy” on April 6, 2020 at 10:00 a.m. PST-11:30 a.m PST. To register, please sign up at The Prinz Law Store Website.
Tags: bad economy, coronavirus, Kristie Prinz, Master Services Agreements, MSAs, negotiating, recession, uncertain economy
Posted in Events | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Tech Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Negotiating Master Service Agreements in an Uncertain Economy”
Thursday, March 19th, 2020
Silicon Valley Tech Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be presenting a series of webinars on negotiating in a very uncertain economy, sharing practice tips developed and lessons learned from the last recession. Kristie will be kicking off the series with a webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating Master Services Agreements in an Uncertain Economy” on April 6th, followed by a webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating Development Agreements in an Uncertain Economy” on April 13th, and and a webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Agreements in an Uncertain Economy” on April 20th. The next webinars in the series will be announced soon. To register for any of these programs, please check out the webinar notices at The Prinz Law Store Website.
Tags: bad economy, coronavirus, development agreements, Kristie Prinz, Master Services Agreements, MSAs, negotiating, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, Prinz Law Store, recession, SaaS agreements, SaaS contracts, The Prinz Law Office, The prinz Law store, uncertain economy
Posted in News | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Tech Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar Series on Negotiating in an Uncertain Economy
Monday, December 14th, 2009
The Prinz Law Office is announcing the launch of several new programs to assist cash-strapped entrepreneurs and businesses, which are struggling to stay afloat in these difficult economic times. The firm hopes to make legal services more affordable at a time when cash flow may not be very predictable.
To view our press release on the announcement, please click here. If you are interested in receiving more information about our new programs, please contact Kristie Prinz for additional information at kp****@pr************.com.
Tags: bad economy, business, cash-strapped, company, credit crisis, credit crunch, economic climate, economic crisis, entrepreneur, legal services, recession, start-up, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in News | Comments Off on The Prinz Law Office Launches Innovative New Programs to Assist Cash-Strapped Entrepreneurs and Businesses
Tuesday, March 31st, 2009
Tags: Amazon, Facebook, Federal Circuit, Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, intellectual property portfolio, Kindle 2, Kristie Prinz, legal templates, logos, maintenance agreements, patent reform, President Obama, recession, Silicon Valley IP Licensing News Brief, Stephen Fairey, Tafas v. Doll
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Silicon Valley IP Licensing News Brief March 31, 2009
Sunday, February 8th, 2009
How do you perserve your maintenance agreement revenue stream in a bad economy? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue in the following blog post:
Tags: maintenance agreements, recession, revenue stream, san jose licensing attorney, san jose licensing law firm, san jose licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, silicon valley licensing law firm, silicon valley licensing lawyer, software licensing attorney, software licensing law firm, software licensing lawyer, software maintenance agreements
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Maintenance Agreements: How to Ensure Your Revenue Stream Continues Through the Recession
Thursday, February 5th, 2009
While looking at cutting expenses is a natural business step in response to a recession, your company should also consider whether adopting a licensing strategy for the IP portfolio might be a more profitable solution to dealing with a recession, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explains in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, IP porfolio, IP portfolio licensing, licensing strategy, recession, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Should You Look to your Intellectual Property Portfolio to Carry You Through the Recession?
Friday, January 23rd, 2009
Should you try to renegotiate your contracts in a bad economy? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog has been exploring this issue and explains why you should consider renegotiation when the economy changes business conditions both parties are operating under in the following blog post:
Tags: agreement negotiation, agreement renegotiation, bad economy, business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, contract negotiation, contract renegotiation, recession, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, san jose contracts attorney, san jose contracts law firm, san jose contracts lawyer, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, silicon valley contracts attorney, silicon valley contracts law firm, silicon valley contracts lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on The Value of Renegotiating Contracts in a Bad Economy
Wednesday, January 21st, 2009
Should you consider renegotiating signed contracts in a recession or poor economy? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explores this issue and makes a case for why renegotiation should be a priority in the following blog post:
Tags: agreement negotiation, agreement renegotiation, bad economy, business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, contract negotiation, contract renegotiation, negotiate agreement, negotiate contract, poor economy, recession, renegotiate agreement, renegotiate contract, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Bad Economy Presents Opportunity to Renegotiate Contracts
| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 |