Posts Tagged ‘California Biotech Law Blog’
Thursday, February 16th, 2012
The California Biotech Law Blog reported that the outlook for biotech in 2012 was expected to remain dreary, and that companies would continue to focus on acquisitions over IPOs in the following blog post:
Tags: biotech attorney, biotech law firm, biotech lawyer, california biotech attorney, California Biotech Law Blog, california biotech law firm, california biotech lawyer, silicon valley biotech attorney, silicon valley biotech law firm, silicon valley biotech lawyer
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on IPO Outlook for Biotech Remains Dreary in 2012
Sunday, September 25th, 2011
Tags: biotech attorney, biotech industry, biotech law firm, biotech lawyer, cailifornia biotech attorney, California Biotech Law Blog, california biotech law firm, california biotech lawyer, california patent attorney, california patent law firm, california patent lawyer, patent attorney, patent law firm, patent lawyer, silicon valley biotech attorney, silicon valley biotech law firm, silicon valley biotech lawyer, silicon valley patent attorney, silicon valley patent law firm, silicon valley patent lawyer
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on Is the Passage of Patent Reform a Win for the Biotech Industry?
Sunday, September 25th, 2011
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed the passage of the Patent Reform Bill and explored its significance to Silicon Valley in the following blog post link below:
Tags: California Biotech Law Blog, patent attorney, patent law firm, patent lawyer, patent licensing attorney, patent licensing law firm, patent licensing lawyer, patent reform, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, san jose patent attorney, san jose patent law firm, san jose patent lawyer, san jose patent licensing attorney, san jose patent licensing law firm, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, silicon valley patent attorney, silicon valley patent law firm, silicon valley patent lawyer, silicon valley patent licensing attorney, silicon valley patent licensing law firm
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on What does Patent Reform Mean for Silicon Valley?
Monday, March 22nd, 2010
How is the biotech industry reacting to the passage of health care reform? The California Biotech Law Blog explored the industry reaction in the following blog post:
Tags: biotech attorney, biotech industry, biotech law firm, biotech lawyer, California Biotech Law Blog, california biotech law firm, california biotech lawyer, california health attorney, california health law firm, california health lawyer, health attorney, health care reform, health law firm, health lawyer, silicon valley biotech attorney, silicon valley biotech law firm, silicon valley biotech lawyer, silicon valley health attorney, silicon valley health law firm, silicon valley health lawyer
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on Biotech Industry Evaluates Anticipated Impact of Health Care Reform
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010
The Prinz Law Office is pleased to announce that the California Biotech Law Blog has been named to a list of Top 50 Biotech Blogs.
Click here to read story.
Tags: California Biotech Law Blog, The Prinz Law Office, Top 50 Biotech Blog
Posted in News | Comments Off on California Biotech Law Blog Named Top 50 Biotech Blog
Wednesday, March 3rd, 2010
Tags: biotech attorney, biotech law firm, biotech lawyer, california biotech attorney, California Biotech Law Blog, california biotech law firm, california biotech lawyer, honor, recognition, silicon valley biotech attorney, silicon valley biotech law firm, silicon valley biotech lawyer, Top 50 Biotech Blog
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on California Biotech Law Blog Recognized as Top 50 Biotech Blog
Saturday, February 27th, 2010
Tags: biotech licensing attorney, biotech licensing law firm, biotech licensing lawyer, California Biotech Law Blog, IP Society, Kristie Prinz, Patrick Reilly, silicon valley biotech licensing attorney, silicon valley biotech licensing law firm, silicon valley biotech licensing lawyer
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on Patrick Reilly of IP Society Interviews Silicon Valley Biotech Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz
Friday, February 19th, 2010
The California Biotech Law Blog reported on The SciTech Lawyer’s profile story on Silicon Valley Biotech Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz in the following blog post:
Tags: California Biotech Law Blog, california biotech transactions attorney, california biotech transactions law firm, california biotech transactions lawyer, Kristie Prinz, silicon valley biotech transactions attorney, silicon valley biotech transactions law firm, Silicon Valley biotech transactions lawyer, The SciTech Lawyer
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on The SciTech Lawyer Profiles Silicon Valley Biotech Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz
Friday, February 12th, 2010
Do poster presentations jeopardize a tech transfer office’s commercialization efforts? The California Biotech Law Blog reported on Technology Transfer Tactics’ interview of Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz on this issue at the following blog post:
Tags: California Biotech Law Blog, california tech attorney, california tech law firm, california tech lawyer, Kristie Prinz, silicon valley tech attorney, silicon valley tech law firm, silicon valley tech lawyer, Technology transfer tactics
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on Kristie Prinz Interviewed by Technology Transfer Tactics on Issue of Whether Poster Presentations Jeopardize a TTO’s Commercialization Efforts
Thursday, January 14th, 2010
The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled in favor of WARF in its licensing dispute with Xenon Pharmaceuticals, as reported by the California Biotech Law Blog in the following blog post:
Tags: biotech licensing attorney, biotech licensing law firm, biotech licensing lawyer, California Biotech Law Blog, california biotech licensing attorney, california biotech licensing law firm, california IP licensing attorney, california IP licensing law firm, california IP licensing lawyer, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, Seventh Circuit, silicon valley biotech licensing attorney, silicon valley biotech licensing law firm, silicon valley biotech licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, WARF, Xenon Pharmaceuticals
Posted in Blog Post and Newsletter Archive | Comments Off on Seventh Circuit Rules in favor of WARF in Licensing Dispute with Xenon Pharmaceuticals
Thursday, May 1st, 2008
Tags: blog law, blogosphere, California, California Biotech Law Blog, california lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in News | Comments Off on California Lawyer Reporter Jeanette Borzo Interviews Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz in “The Search for Intelligent Life in the Blogosphere”
Tuesday, March 27th, 2007
Tags: California Biotech Law Blog, Kevin O'Keefe, Kristie Prinz, Lexblog, Prinz Law, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in News | Comments Off on LexBlog’s Kevin O’Keefe Profiles Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz and The California Biotech Law Blog in “Be An A-List Blogger in Your Niche to Succeed”
| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •6203 San Ignacio Avenue Suite 110, San Jose, CA 95119 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 |