Posts Tagged ‘san jose copyright attorney’
Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016
Bitmanagement Software GmbH has filed suit against the US Navy alleging willful copyright infringement of its 3D virtual reality software “BS Contact Geo” and demanding $600 million in damages. The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discussed this and the issues likely involved in the dispute in the following blogpost:
Tags: 3D virtual reality software, Bitmanagement Software GmbH, BS Contact Geo, copyright attorney, copyright infringement, copyright infringement attorney, copyright infringement law firm, copyright infringement lawyer, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Kristie Prinz, los angeles copyright attorney, los angeles copyright law firm, los angeles copyright lawyer, los angeles copyright licensing lawyer, los angeles copyright litigation attorney, los angeles copyright litigation law firm, los angeles software attorney, los angeles software law firm, los angeles software lawyer, los angeles software licensing attorney, los angeles software licensing law firm, los angeles software licensing lawyer, orange county copyright attorney, orange county copyright infringement attorney, orange county copyright infringement law firm, orange county copyright infringement lawyer, orange county copyright law firm, orange county copyright lawyer, orange county software attorney, orange county software law firm, orange county software lawyer, orange county software licensing attorney, orange county software licensing law firm, orange county software licensing lawyer, san diego copyright attorney, san diego copyright infringement attorney, san diego copyright infringement law firm, san diego copyright infringement lawyer, san diego copyright law firm, san diego copyright lawyer, san diego software attorney, san diego software law firm, san diego software lawyer, san diego software licensing attorney, san diego software licensing law firm, san diego software licensng lawyer, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright infringement attorney, san jose copyright infringement law firm, san jose copyright infringement lawyer, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose software attorney, san jose software law firm, san jose software lawyer, san jose software licensing attorney, san jose software licensing law firm, san jose software licensing lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement law firm, silicon valley copyright infringement lawyer, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley software attorney, silicon valley software law blog, silicon valley software law firm, silicon valley software lawyer, silicon valley software licensing attorney, silicon valley software licensing law firm, silicon valley software licensing lawyer, software attorney, software law firm, software lawyer, software licensing attorney, software licensing law firm, software licensing lawyer, US Navy
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on US Navy Responds to Copyright Infringement Suit Filed by Bitmanagement Software
Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
The Prinz Law Office has launched a new copyright law meetup group in conjunction with the High Tech Section of the Santa Clara County Bar Association, as is further discussed in the link below:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, Santa Clara County Bar Association, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on The Prinz Law Office Launches New Copyright Law Meetup Group
Friday, October 5th, 2012
Google has reached a settlement with several major American publishing companies, including but not limited to McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education and Penguin, John Wiley & Sons and Simon & Schuster in a copyright infringement case challenging Google’s decision to scan the book collections of many major universities. The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looks at this case in a recent blog post linked below:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright infringement, copyright infringement attorney, copyright infringement law firm, copyright infringement lawyer, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Google, John Wiley & Sons, McGraw-Hill, Pearson Education and Penguin, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright infringement attorney, san jose copyright infringement law firm, san jose copyright infringement lawyer, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement law firm, silicon valley copyright infringement lawyer, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Simon & Schuster
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Google Settles with Book Publishers in Copyright Infringement Dispute
Friday, October 5th, 2012
Should there be small claims remedies to copyright infringement? Congress has asked the Copyright Office to conduct a study on this issue, as is further discussed by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in a recent blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright infringement attorney, copyright infringement law firm, copyright infringement lawyer, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, copyright office, Prinz Law, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright infringement attorney, san jose copyright infringement law firm, san jose copyright infringement lawyer, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement law firm, silicon valley copyright law firm, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, small claims remedies to copyright infringement, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Copyright Office Seeking Comments to Proposed Change in Small Claims Remedies
Wednesday, August 15th, 2012
Google has announced that it will now be factoring the number of “valid” DMCA notices that it receives on a particular website into how it ranks that website in its search results, as is further discussed by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright infringement attorney, copyright infringement law firm, copyright infringement lawyer, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, DMCA notices, Google, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, ranking, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright infringement attorney, san jose copyright infringement law firm, san jose copyright infringement lawyer, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement law firm, silicon valley copyright infringement lawyer, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Google to Factor DMCA Notices into Website Ranking
Thursday, February 23rd, 2012
SOPA Blackout protesters have succeeded in having tabling SOPA and its companion bill PIPA, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, PIPA, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, SOPA, SOPA Blackout
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on SOPA Blackout Protesters Succeed in Tabling SOPA and PIPA Bills
Tuesday, January 17th, 2012
Silicon Valley is preparing for the observance of SOPA Blackout Day, in which websites are to go black for at least twelve hours, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explains in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, internet attorney, internet law firm, internet lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose internet attorney, san jose internet law firm, san jose internet lawyer, Silicon Valley, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley internet attorney, silicon valley internet law firm, silicon valley internet lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, SOPA Blackout Day
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Prepares for the SOPA Blackout Day Observance
Saturday, July 23rd, 2011
If you are like most early stage software companies, you will complete your next development project without ever asking for or procuring a copyright assignment. The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog explored this issue in the blog post linked below:
Tags: Atlanta attorney, atlanta copyright attorney, atlanta copyright law firm, atlanta copyright lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, atlanta software attorney, atlanta software law firm, atlanta software lawyer, copyright assignment agreement, copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Irvine attorney, irvine copyright attorney, irvine copyright law firm, irvine copyright lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, irvine software attorney, irvine software law firm, irvine software lawyer, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles copyright attorney, los angeles copyright law firm, los angeles copyright lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, los angeles software attorney, los angeles software law firm, los angeles software lawyer, San Diego attorney, san diego copyright attorney, san diego copyright law firm, san diego copyright lawyer, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, san diego software attorney, san diego software law firm, san diego software lawyer, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose software attorney, san jose software law firm, san jose software lawyer, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley software attorney, silicon valley software law firm, silicon valley software lawyer, software attorney, software development, software law firm, software lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Most Early-Stage Development Projects Overlook the Need to Procure a Copyright Assignment
Sunday, July 17th, 2011
One of the most common mistakes business owners and entrepreneurs make when they hire someone to create something for their business is that they fail to obtain a copyright assignment from the person hired, which is a problem as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explained in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Don’t Forget the Copyright Assignment
Saturday, May 16th, 2009
Have you run searches lately on the Internet to verify that none of your company’s works have been infringed? If you were to run such a search, you are likely to find infringement on the Internet, according to this blog posting by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog linked below:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright infringement, copyright infringement attorney, copyright infringement law firm, copyright infringement lawyer, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, internet, internet attorney, internet law firm, internet lawyer, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright infringement attorney, san jose copyright infringement law firm, san jose copyright infringement lawyer, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose internet attorney, san jose internet law firm, san jose internet lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement law firm, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley internet attorney, silicon valley internet law firm, silicon valley internet lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Copyright Infringement on the Web No Longer Limited to the Entertainment Industry
Thursday, February 5th, 2009
Did artist Stephen Fairey infringe a photograph of President Obama? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the allegations and controversy in the following blog post linked below:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright infringement attorney, copyright infringement law firm, copyright infringement lawyer, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, President Obama, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright infringement attorney, san jose copyright infringement law firm, san jose copyright infringement lawyer, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement attorney, silicon valley copyright infringement law firm, silicon valley copyright infringement lawyer, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Stephen Fairey
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Associated Press Alleging Artist Stephen Fairey Infringed President Obama Photograph
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue of whether copyright reform rather than patent reform should be on the table, and if so, why, in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Copyright reform, patent attorney, patent law firm, patent lawyer, patent reform, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose patent attorney, san jose patent law firm, san jose patent lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, silicon valley patent attorney, silicon valley patent law firm, silicon valley patent lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Copyright Reform: Is it Time to Take Patent Reform Off the Table and Work on Copyright Reform?
Monday, November 3rd, 2008
Think your business doesn’t have any IP to protect? If your business is like most, you may have unprotected design work, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explains in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, copyright licensing attorney, copyright licensing law firm, copyright licensing lawyer, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose copyright licensing attorney, san jose copyright licensing law firm, san jose copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright licensing attorney, silicon valley copyright licensing law firm, silicon valley copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Corporate Designs: Does Your Business Really Have the Rights to its Designs?
Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
Yahoo Music has advised its customers that it will be shutting down its digital rights management services and issuing refunds to customers, as reported by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, copyright licensing attorney, copyright licensing law firm, copyright licensing lawyer, DRM licensing service, Microsoft, music licensing, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose copyright licensing attorney, san jose copyright licensing law firm, san jose copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright licensing attorney, silicon valley copyright licensing law firm, silicon valley copyright licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Yahoo
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Yahoo Music to Shut Down Service, Issue Refunds to Customers
Thursday, August 5th, 2004
Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz will speak on copyright law on April 5, 2004 at the San Francisco Downtown Courtyard by Marriott
Developing, Protecting, and Exploiting Software Conference sponsored by Law Seminars International. Please click here to view the PowerPoint presentation.
Tags: Atlanta attorney, atlanta copyright attorney, atlanta copyright lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, copyright attorney, copyright law, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Irvine attorney, irvine copyright attorney, irvine copyright law firm, irvine copyright lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles copyright attorney, los angeles copyright law firm, los angeles copyright lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Orange County attorney, orange county copyright attorney, orange county copyright law firm, orange county copyright lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Prinz Law, Prinz Law Office, San Diego attorney, san diego copyright attorney, san diego copyright law firm, san diego copyright lawyer, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, san jose copyrigh lawyer, san jose copyright attorney, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, san jsoe copyright law firm, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on Copyrights: Lessons and Practice Tips from Recent Cases
| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 |