Posts Tagged ‘san jose IP licensing law firm’
Wednesday, February 17th, 2010
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog reported on the interview by Patrick Reilly of blog author Kristie Prinz in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, IP Society, Kristie Prinz, Patrick Reilly, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog Author Kristie Prinz Discusses Intellectual Property Licensing with IP Society’s Patrick Reilly
Thursday, January 14th, 2010
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog reported on the decision reached by the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals in the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation v. Xenon Pharmaceuticals, Appeal No. 08-1351 (7th Cir. 2010), affirming the licensor’s rights in an exclusive license to joint intellectual property in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, patent licensing attorney, patent licensing law firm, patent licensing lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, san jose patent licensing attorney, san jose patent licensing law firm, san jose patent licensing lawyer, Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley patent licensing attorney, silicon valley patent licensing law firm, silicon valley patent licensing lawyer, Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation, Xenon Pharmaceuticals
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals Issues Ruling Which Affirms Rights in an Exclusive License to Joint Intellectual Property
Thursday, February 5th, 2009
While looking at cutting expenses is a natural business step in response to a recession, your company should also consider whether adopting a licensing strategy for the IP portfolio might be a more profitable solution to dealing with a recession, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explains in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, IP porfolio, IP portfolio licensing, licensing strategy, recession, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Should You Look to your Intellectual Property Portfolio to Carry You Through the Recession?
Friday, November 14th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed why businesses should consider conducting periodic IP licensing audits and what they should be looking for in those audits in the following blog post:
Tags: business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, intellectual property audit, intellectual property licensing audit, IP audit, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing audit, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Should Your Business Conduct an IP Licensing Audit?
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
A verdict was reached in a case filed by retired NFL players against the players union for failing to include them in lucrative licensing deals involving video games and other sports products. The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed the case and the verdict in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, licensing deals, NFL players union, retired NFL players, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, san jose video game licensing attorney, san jose video game licensing law firm, san jose video game licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley video game licensing attorney, silicon valley video game licensing law firm, silicon valley video game licensing lawyer, video game licensing attorney, video game licensing law firm, video game licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Retired NFL Players Win Verdict Against Union For Failing to Include Them in Licensing Deals
Thursday, August 21st, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog examined the issue of how a license grant should be drafted in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, license grant, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on How Should License Grant Language Be Drafted?
Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog examined the pros and cons of consortia licensing in the following blog post:
Tags: consortia licensing, consortia licensing agreements, consortia licensing negotiations, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Consortia Licensing: Is this an ideal way to license intellectual property?
Friday, July 18th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the issue of the enforceability of the iTunes Music License in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright licensing attorney, copyright licensing law firm, copyright licensing lawyer, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, iTunes, iTunes music license, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley copyright licensing attorney, silicon valley copyright licensing law firm, silicon valley copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on iTunes Music License: Is it Really Enforceable?
Sunday, June 1st, 2008
The Supreme Court is considering whether to take a case which would address the issue of whether major league baseball players’ names and statistics constitute the intellectual property of Major League Baseball, requiring the payment of a royalty fee. The Silicon Valley IP Licensing discuss this case in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, major league baseball, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, Supreme Court
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Supreme Court to Consider Fantasy Baseball Case: Do Players’ Names and Statistics Constitute Major League Baseball Intellectual Property?
Friday, January 11th, 2008
Biotech and Life Sciences IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz speak on January 11, 2008 on the IP Panel for Process Management–Route to Success at PepTalk which will be held at Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego.
For more details about the event, please click here.
Tags: Atlanta attorney, atlanta biotech attorney, atlanta biotech law firm, atlanta biotech lawyer, atlanta ip licensing law firm, atlanta ip licensing lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, biotech, biotech attorney, biotech law firm, biotech lawyer, biotechnology attorney, biotechnology law firm, biotechnology lawyer, California, intellectual property, IP, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, Irvine attorney, irvine biotech attorney, irvine biotech law firm, irvine biotech lawyer, irvine ip licensing attorney, irvine ip licensing law firm, irvine ip licensing lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles biotech attorney, los angeles biotech law firm, los angeles biotech lawyer, los angeles ip licensing attorney, los angeles ip licensing law firm, los angeles ip licensing lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Orange County attorney, orange county biotech attorney, orange county biotech law firm, orange county biotech lawyer, orange county ip licensing attorney, orange county ip licensing law firm, orange county ip licensing lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Pep Talk, pharma, Prinz Law, San Diego, San Diego attorney, san diego biotech attorney, san diego biotech law firm, san diego biotech lawyer, san diego ip licensing attorney, san diego ip licensing law firm, san diego ip licensing lawyer, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, san jose biotech attorney, san jose biotech law firm, san jose biotech lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley biotech attorney, silicon valley biotech law firm, silicon valley biotech lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on Biotech and Life Sciences IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak at PepTalk IP Panel Presentation on Biotech/ Pharma Processes
Friday, September 15th, 2006
IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz will speak at 2006 WTC Catalyst Program Life Sciences Track: Patent Protection/IP Strategy, sponsored by Women’s Technology Cluster, to be held at Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP, Palo Alto, CA on September 15, 2006.
Tags: atlanta ip licensing attorney, atlanta ip licensing law firm, atlanta ip licensing lawyer, biotech, intellectual property, IP, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, irvine ip licensing attorney, irvine ip licensing law firm, irvine ip licensing lawyer, Kristie Prinz, life sciences, los angeles ip licensing attorney, los angeles ip licensing law firm, los angeles ip licensing lawyer, orange county ip licensing attorney, orange county ip licensing law firm, orange county ip licensing lawyer, patent, patent protection, Prinz Law, san diego ip licensing attorney, san diego ip licensing law firm, san diego ip licensing lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak at 2006 WTC Catalyst Program Life Sciences Track: Patent Protection/IP Strategy
Wednesday, September 7th, 2005
IP Licensing and Start-up Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak at The Art of Telling Your Story Workshop sponsored by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce/National Institute of Standards and Technology, Advanced Technology Program in San Jose on September 7, 2005.
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, Kristie Prinz, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Prinz Law, San Jose, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, san jose start-up attorney, san jose start-up law firm, san jose start-up lawyer, san jose startup attorney, san jose startup law firm, san jose startup lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley start-up attorney, silicon valley start-up law firm, silicon valley start-up lawyer, silicon valley startup law firm, silicon valley startup lawyer, start-up attorney, start-up law firm, start-up lawyer, startup attorney, startup law firm, startup lawyer, technology, The Prinz Law Office, U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on IP Licensing and Start-up Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak at The Art of Telling Your Story Workshop
Saturday, April 2nd, 2005
Silicon Valley IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on IP Reps and Warranties Gone Wrong: Avoid Potholes in the Business Transaction on April 2, 2005 for the ABA Section of Business Law 2005 Spring Meeting in Nashville, TN.
The event is sponsored by the Intellectual Property Committee.
Tags: atlanta business attorney, atlanta business law firm, atlanta business lawyer, atlanta ip licensing attorney, atlanta ip licensing law firm, atlanta ip licensing lawyer, business attorney, business law, business law firm, business lawyer, business transactions, intellectual property, IP, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, irvine business attorney, irvine business law firm, irvine business lawyer, irvine ip licensing attorney, irvine ip licensing law firm, irvine ip licensing lawyer, Kristie Prinz, los angeles business attorney, los angeles business law firm, los angeles business lawyer, los angeles ip licensing attorney, los angeles ip licensing law firm, los angeles ip licensing lawyer, orange county business attorney, orange county business law firm, orange county business lawyer, orange county ip licensing attorney, orange county ip licensing law firm, orange county ip licensing lawyer, Prinz Law, san diego business attorney, san diego business law firm, san diego business lawyer, san diego ip licensing attorney, san diego ip licensing law firm, san diego ip licensing lawyer, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on Silicon Valley IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak on IP Reps and Warranties Gone Wrong: Avoid Potholes in the Business Transaction
| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 |