Posts Tagged ‘SaaS contracts law firm’

SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing Customer Relationships”

Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on “Best Practices for Negotiating SaaS Contracts & Managing Customer Relationships” on March 31, 2020 from 10-11:15 a.m. PST.  To register for the webinar, please sign up at The Prinz Law Store Website.

Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements” for Clear Law Institute

Friday, August 9th, 2019

Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” on August 9, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST.  The program will be sponsored by Virginia-based Clear Law Institute.  To register, please sign up at

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements”

Wednesday, May 29th, 2019

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” on August 9, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST.  The program will be sponsored by Virginia-based Clear Law Institute.  To register, please sign up at

Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements”

Monday, May 6th, 2019

Silicon Valley SaaS Lawyer Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” on May 6, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST.  The program will be sponsored by Virginia-based Clear Law Institute.  To register, please sign up at

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements”

Friday, March 29th, 2019

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will present a webinar on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” on May 6, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST.  The program will be sponsored by Virginia-based Clear Law Institute.  To register, please sign up at

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak at Upcoming Webinar on “Best Practices for Drafting SaaS Contracts & Managing SaaS Customer Relationships”

Thursday, January 31st, 2019

Press Release Best SaaS Practices 1.31.19

The Prinz Law Office Announces Adoption of New Subscription Billing Plan

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Prinz Law Announcement 10.3.18

Advertisement for Upcoming Webinar on Negotiating SaaS Agreements Sponsored by Clear Law Institute

Thursday, October 4th, 2018

Webinar Mailer 10.26.18

The Prinz Law Office Announces Launch of New Alternative Billing Plans

Wednesday, October 3rd, 2018

Press Release 10.3.18

What SaaS Companies Need to Know about Source Code Escrow Agreements

Thursday, August 9th, 2018

If you run a SaaS company, you may come across a negotiation where a prospective customer or business partner insists on the inclusion of source code escrow in the deal terms.  However, the traditional source code escrow product is unlikely to provide the protections that your prospective customer or business partner is seeking.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog addresses the issue of source code escrow products designed for SaaS products and what SaaS companies need to know about them in the following blogpost:

Six Signs You Are Reviewing a Poorly Written Software Contract

Friday, March 9th, 2018

How do you identify a poorly written software contract, whether it is supposed to be a software license, a SaaS contract, or another type of agreement?  Firm Founder Kristie Prinz provides tips on how to identify bad software contracts in the following Silicon Valley Software Law Blog post:

Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”

Wednesday, February 21st, 2018

Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” for a webinar hosted by Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 from 10-11:15 a.m.  PST.

Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Drafting Software Hosting Agreements: Service Availability, Performance, Data Security, Other Key Provisions”

Monday, November 27th, 2017

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker for the webinar “Drafting Software Hosting Agreements: Service Availability, Performance, Data Security, Other Key Provisions” for the Atlanta, Georgia-based Strafford on January 23, 2018.

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests”

Thursday, September 28th, 2017

Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be featured as a speaker on “Negotiating SaaS Agreements: Drafting Key Contract Provisions, Protecting Customer and Vendor Interests” for a webinar hosted by Arlington, Virginia-based Clear Law Institute on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 from 10-11:15 a.m.  PST.

Common Software Fee Drafting Problems and How to Fix Them

Wednesday, May 3rd, 2017

A common problem in software and SaaS agreements is that the fee terms in the contract make no sense.  Why is this the case and how do you fix the terms?  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog addresses this issue in the following posting:

Does Your Customer Software License or SaaS Agreement Leave Your Company Vulnerable to a Dispute Over Implementation?

Monday, May 1st, 2017

If your company is like most in the software space, your product requires some sort of initial set-up and configuration for customers that in an enterprise scenario can require a significant investment of time and resources.  However, many software contracts are silent regarding what is involved in this initial phase of a business relationship, which results in many disputes.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog discusses this issue in the following blogpost:

Recent Class Actions Provide Valuable Lesson on Why SaaS Contracts Should Be Drafted to Fit A Company’s Business Model

Friday, March 10th, 2017

If your company is like most, you may be using a software agreement that has nothing to do with your company’s business practices or business model.  Why is this a bad idea?  Well, several recent class action suits provide a recent example of why this can be very problematic for a software company.  The Silicon Valley Software Law Blog addresses this issue in the following blogpost:

Silicon Valley SaaS Attorney Kristie Prinz to Speak on “Negotiating Software-as-a-Services Contracts”

Monday, December 19th, 2016

Silicon Valley lawyer Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on “Negotiating Software-as-a-Services Contracts” for Clear Law Institute on Monday, December 19, 2016 at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST.

The Prinz Law Office Announces that Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz will Speak at Upcoming Webinar on Negotiating Software as a Service Contracts

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Press Release Announcing Clear Law Institute Webinar

The Prinz Law Office Announces that Silicon Valley Software Lawyer Kristie Prinz Will Speak at Upcoming Webinar on Negotiating Service Level Agreements

Monday, November 7th, 2016

Press Release on Upcoming Stratford Publications Webinar

Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present Webinar on “Negotiating Software-as-a-Service Contracts”

Tuesday, September 20th, 2016

Silicon Valley lawyer Kristie Prinz will be presenting a webinar on “Negotiating Software-as-a-Services Contracts” for Clear Law Institute on Monday, December 19, 2016 at 10 a.m. PST/1 p.m. EST.


| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 | Sitemap

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