Archive for 2008
Friday, November 14th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed why businesses should consider conducting periodic IP licensing audits and what they should be looking for in those audits in the following blog post:
Tags: business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, intellectual property audit, intellectual property licensing audit, IP audit, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing audit, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Should Your Business Conduct an IP Licensing Audit?
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
A verdict was reached in a case filed by retired NFL players against the players union for failing to include them in lucrative licensing deals involving video games and other sports products. The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog discussed the case and the verdict in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, licensing deals, NFL players union, retired NFL players, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, san jose video game licensing attorney, san jose video game licensing law firm, san jose video game licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley video game licensing attorney, silicon valley video game licensing law firm, silicon valley video game licensing lawyer, video game licensing attorney, video game licensing law firm, video game licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Retired NFL Players Win Verdict Against Union For Failing to Include Them in Licensing Deals
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the question of whether the blogosphere should adopt the creative commons licensing model in the following blog post link:
Tags: academic publishing, blogosphere, content publishing attorney, content publishing law firm, content publishing lawyer, creative commons license, creative commons licensing, internet attorney, internet law firm, internet lawyer, san jose content publishing attorney, san jose content publishing law firm, san jose content publishing lawyer, san jose internet attorney, san jose internet law firm, san jose internet lawyer, silicon valley content publishing attorney, silicon valley content publishing law firm, silicon valley content publishing lawyer, silicon valley internet attorney, silicon valley internet law firm, silicon valley internet lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Should the Blogosphere Adopt the Creative Commons Licensing Model?
Wednesday, November 12th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue of whether copyright reform rather than patent reform should be on the table, and if so, why, in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, Copyright reform, patent attorney, patent law firm, patent lawyer, patent reform, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose patent attorney, san jose patent law firm, san jose patent lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, silicon valley patent attorney, silicon valley patent law firm, silicon valley patent lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Copyright Reform: Is it Time to Take Patent Reform Off the Table and Work on Copyright Reform?
Monday, November 10th, 2008
What are the lessons to be learned from the case of the ex-Intel Corporation employee accused of stealing trade secrets and giving them to his new employer, rival Advanced Micro Device? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue in a recent blog post:
Tags: Advanced Micro Devices, Intel, san jose trade secrets attorney, san jose trade secrets law firm, san jose trade secrets lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, silicon valley trade secrets attorney, silicon valley trade secrets law firm, silicon valley trade secrets lawyer, trade secrets attorney, trade secrets dispute, trade secrets law firm, trade secrets lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Trade Secrets Case Provides Important Lesson to Employers and Employees on the Significance of Employment Agreements
Monday, November 3rd, 2008
Think your business doesn’t have any IP to protect? If your business is like most, you may have unprotected design work, as the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explains in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, copyright licensing attorney, copyright licensing law firm, copyright licensing lawyer, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose copyright licensing attorney, san jose copyright licensing law firm, san jose copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright licensing attorney, silicon valley copyright licensing law firm, silicon valley copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Corporate Designs: Does Your Business Really Have the Rights to its Designs?
Sunday, November 2nd, 2008
Can companies save money on legal costs by investing in good legal templates? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored this issue in the following blog post:
Tags: business attorney, business law firm, business lawyer, san jose business attorney, san jose business law firm, san jose business lawyer, silicon valley business attorney, silicon valley business law firm, silicon valley business lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Cutting Legal Costs by Investing in Good Templates
Friday, October 31st, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the issue of whether open source licensing is a viable business model in the following blog post:
Tags: open source attorney, open source law firm, open source lawyer, open source licensing attorney, open source licensing law firm, open source licensing lawyer, san jose open source attorney, san jose open source law firm, san jose open source lawyer, san jose open source licensing attorney, san jose open source licensing law firm, san jose open source licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, silicon valley open source attorney, silicon valley open source law firm, silicon valley open source lawyer, silicon valley open source licensing attorney, silicon valley open source licensing law firm, silicon valley open source licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Is Open Source Licensing a Viable Business Model
Thursday, August 21st, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog examined the issue of how a license grant should be drafted in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, license grant, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on How Should License Grant Language Be Drafted?
Friday, August 1st, 2008
Silicon Valley Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be presenting on Employee Blog and Websites for American Features Syndicate Teleconference on August 1, 2008, 10:30-12:00 a.m. PST.
To view a recording of the presentation in The Prinz Law Store, click here.
Tags: atlanta internet attorney, atlanta internet law firm, atlanta internet lawyer, blog law, employee blogs, georgia internet attorney, georgia internet law firm, internet attorney, internet law, internet law firm, internet lawyer, irvine internet attorney, irvine internet law firm, irvine internet lawyer, Kristie Prinz, los angeles internet attorney, los angeles internet law firm, los angeles internet lawyer, orange county internet attorney, orange county internet law firm, orange county internet lawyer, Prinz Law, san diego internet attorney, san diego internet law firm, san diego internet lawyer, san jose internet attorney, san jose internet law firm, san jose internet lawyer, silicon valley internet attorney, silicon valley internet law firm, silicon valley internet lawyer, The Prinz Law Office, websites
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz Speaks on Employee Blogs and Websites: Protect Yourself Against the Business and Legal Risks When Workers Go Online
Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the issue of whether there is a market for blog content licensing in the following blog post:
Tags: content licensing attorney, content licensing law firm, content licensing lawyer, san jose content licensing attorney, san jose content licensing law firm, san jose content licensing lawyer, silicon valley content licensing attorney, silicon valley content licensing law firm, silicon valley content licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Is There a Market for Blog Content Licensing?
Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
Yahoo Music has advised its customers that it will be shutting down its digital rights management services and issuing refunds to customers, as reported by the Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright attorney, copyright law firm, copyright lawyer, copyright licensing attorney, copyright licensing law firm, copyright licensing lawyer, DRM licensing service, Microsoft, music licensing, san jose copyright attorney, san jose copyright law firm, san jose copyright lawyer, san jose copyright licensing attorney, san jose copyright licensing law firm, san jose copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley copyright attorney, silicon valley copyright law firm, silicon valley copyright lawyer, silicon valley copyright licensing attorney, silicon valley copyright licensing law firm, silicon valley copyright licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Yahoo
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Yahoo Music to Shut Down Service, Issue Refunds to Customers
Tuesday, July 29th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog examined the pros and cons of consortia licensing in the following blog post:
Tags: consortia licensing, consortia licensing agreements, consortia licensing negotiations, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Consortia Licensing: Is this an ideal way to license intellectual property?
Friday, July 18th, 2008
The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog explored the issue of the enforceability of the iTunes Music License in the following blog post:
Tags: copyright licensing attorney, copyright licensing law firm, copyright licensing lawyer, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, iTunes, iTunes music license, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley copyright licensing attorney, silicon valley copyright licensing law firm, silicon valley copyright licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on iTunes Music License: Is it Really Enforceable?
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
Tags: copyright, intellectual property, patent, trade secrets, trademark
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares A Brief Guide to Intellectual Property
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
To view a recording of the presentation available in The Prinz Law Store, click here.
Tags: blog law, employee blogs, Kristie Prinz, Prinz Law, The Prinz Law Office, websites
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz shares Recording “Employee Blogs and Websites: How to Protect Your Company from the Legal Risk of Workers Going Online”
Tuesday, July 15th, 2008
Silicon Valley Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz will be speaking on Employee Blogs and Websites in a presentation hosted by the American Features Syndicate on July 15, 2008 between 10:30-12:00 a.m. PST.
To view a recording of the presentation in The Prinz Law Store, click here.
Tags: atlanta internet attorney, atlanta internet law firm, atlanta internet lawyer, blog law, california internet attorney, california internet law firm, california internet lawyer, ecommerce law, employee blogs, georgia internet attorney, georgia internet law firm, georgia internet lawyer, internet attorney, internet law, internet law firm, internet lawyer, irvine internet attorney, irvine internet law firm, irvine internet lawyer, Kristie Prinz, los angeles internet attorney, los angeles internet law firm, orange county internet attorney, orange county internet law firm, orange county internet lawyer, Prinz Law, san diego internet attorney, san diego internet law firm, san diego internet lawyer, san jose internet attorney, san jose internet law firm, san jose internet lawyer, silicon valley internet attorney, silicon valley internet law firm, silicon valley internet lawyer, The Prinz Law Office, websites
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz to Present on Employee Blogs and Websites: Protect Yourself Against the Business and Legal Risks When Workers Go Online
Friday, June 20th, 2008
Should the Associated Press have the right to set its own standards as to how much quoting from an Associated Press article constitutes fair use and how much requires the payment of a royalty? The Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog looked at this issue in the following blog post:
Tags: Associated Press, content licensing attorney, content licensing law firm, content licensing lawyer, Fair Use, royalty, san jose content licensing attorney, san jose content licensing law firm, san jose content licensing lawyer, silicon valley content licensing attorney, silicon valley content licensing law firm, silicon valley content licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Blogosphere Reacts to Associated Press Attack on Fair Use Doctrine
Tuesday, June 10th, 2008
To view a recording of the presentation available in The Prinz Law Store, click here.
Tags: development, genome, intellectual property, intellectual property portolio, IP portfolio, partnering relationships
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz shares Recording on Leveraging an IP Portfolio in the Development of Partnering Relationships
Wednesday, June 4th, 2008
Tags: biotech, drug, Federal Trade Commission, FTC, IP 360, patent, pay to play
Posted in News | Comments Off on IP Law 360 Reporter Sara Stefanini Interviews Silicon Valley Life Sciences Lawyer Kristie Prinz for “In Cephalon Case, FTC Hopes for High Court Ruling”
Sunday, June 1st, 2008
The Supreme Court is considering whether to take a case which would address the issue of whether major league baseball players’ names and statistics constitute the intellectual property of Major League Baseball, requiring the payment of a royalty fee. The Silicon Valley IP Licensing discuss this case in the following blog post:
Tags: IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, major league baseball, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, Supreme Court
Posted in Prinz Law Blog | Comments Off on Supreme Court to Consider Fantasy Baseball Case: Do Players’ Names and Statistics Constitute Major League Baseball Intellectual Property?
Wednesday, May 21st, 2008
To view publication and accompanying presentation now available in The Prinz Law Store, click here.
Tags: Confidential Information, NDa, Nondisclosure Agreements, Proprietary Information, trade secret
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on Tech Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares Presentation and Recording on Getting Started with Drafting a Nondisclosure Agreement: A Brief Guide to the Elements and Key Considerations
Thursday, May 1st, 2008
Tags: blog law, blogosphere, California, California Biotech Law Blog, california lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Silicon Valley IP Licensing Law Blog, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in News | Comments Off on California Lawyer Reporter Jeanette Borzo Interviews Internet Lawyer Kristie Prinz in “The Search for Intelligent Life in the Blogosphere”
Thursday, April 24th, 2008
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on Technology Transactions Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares PowerPoint on Getting Started with Drafting a Development Agreement: A Brief Guide to the Elements and Key Considerations
Friday, March 14th, 2008
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Business Lawyer Shares Presentation on Getting Started with Drafting a Services Agreement: A Brief Guide to the Elements and Key Considerations
Thursday, March 6th, 2008
Posted in Webinars | Comments Off on IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz Shares Presentation on Getting Started with Drafting a License Agreement: A Brief Guide to the Elements and Key Considerations
Saturday, March 1st, 2008
Tags: American Bar Foundation, award, Fellow of the American Bar Foundation, honor, Kristie Prinz
Posted in News | Comments Off on Silicon Valley Lawyer Kristie Prinz Honored as a New Fellow of the American Bar Foundation.
Friday, January 11th, 2008
Biotech and Life Sciences IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz speak on January 11, 2008 on the IP Panel for Process Management–Route to Success at PepTalk which will be held at Hotel Del Coronado, San Diego.
For more details about the event, please click here.
Tags: Atlanta attorney, atlanta biotech attorney, atlanta biotech law firm, atlanta biotech lawyer, atlanta ip licensing law firm, atlanta ip licensing lawyer, Atlanta law firm, Atlanta lawyer, biotech, biotech attorney, biotech law firm, biotech lawyer, biotechnology attorney, biotechnology law firm, biotechnology lawyer, California, intellectual property, IP, IP licensing attorney, IP licensing law firm, IP licensing lawyer, Irvine attorney, irvine biotech attorney, irvine biotech law firm, irvine biotech lawyer, irvine ip licensing attorney, irvine ip licensing law firm, irvine ip licensing lawyer, Irvine law firm, Irvine lawyer, Kristie Prinz, Los Angeles attorney, los angeles biotech attorney, los angeles biotech law firm, los angeles biotech lawyer, los angeles ip licensing attorney, los angeles ip licensing law firm, los angeles ip licensing lawyer, Los Angeles law firm, Los Angeles lawyer, Orange County attorney, orange county biotech attorney, orange county biotech law firm, orange county biotech lawyer, orange county ip licensing attorney, orange county ip licensing law firm, orange county ip licensing lawyer, Orange County law firm, Orange County lawyer, Pep Talk, pharma, Prinz Law, San Diego, San Diego attorney, san diego biotech attorney, san diego biotech law firm, san diego biotech lawyer, san diego ip licensing attorney, san diego ip licensing law firm, san diego ip licensing lawyer, San Diego law firm, San Diego lawyer, San Jose attorney, san jose biotech attorney, san jose biotech law firm, san jose biotech lawyer, san jose ip licensing attorney, san jose IP licensing law firm, san jose ip licensing lawyer, San Jose law firm, San Jose lawyer, Silicon Valley attorney, silicon valley biotech attorney, silicon valley biotech law firm, silicon valley biotech lawyer, silicon valley ip licensing attorney, Silicon Valley IP licensing law firm, silicon valley ip licensing lawyer, Silicon Valley law firm, Silicon Valley lawyer, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in Events, News | Comments Off on Biotech and Life Sciences IP Licensing Lawyer Kristie Prinz to speak at PepTalk IP Panel Presentation on Biotech/ Pharma Processes
Tuesday, January 1st, 2008
Tags: discount, early payment discount, The Prinz Law Office
Posted in News | Comments Off on The Prinz Law Office Launches New Early Payment Discount on Hourly Billing Rates
| The Prinz Law Office | Silicon Valley Office Address •84 W. Santa Clara St., Suite 788, San Jose, CA 95113 • Firm Mailing Address: 117 Bernal Rd., Suite 70-110, San Jose, CA 95119 •408.884.2854 | Orange County 949.284.6884 | San Diego ▪619.881.0424 | Tel: 1.800.884.2124 |